Leadership Development

Align4Profit Leadership Development Blog

Helanie ScottLeadership development may be the most important activity in any organization. In my quest to helping men and women become more and more effective leaders, I share weekly articles that are a quick read with a promise to give your leaders actionable tips they can implement immediately.

It’s my goal to share my experience together with candid and pragmatic advice founded on deep research.

Read and enjoy! To make sure you don’t miss any updates, let me send you a weekly article to your email.

October 7, 2013

How you can be seen as a confident, intelligent, dependable leader

In studies by Cameron Anderson of UC Berkeley published in the Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, researchers have come up with some interesting insights into how and why some […]
September 23, 2013

Ten Steps on Your Way to Leader as Coach

I use the term Leader as Coach and train leaders how to lead as coaches. We define effective leadership as a manager’s ability to demonstrate the emotion, cognition, behavior, and […]
September 16, 2013

The Six Attraction Powers of all Great Leaders

All great leaders possess the following six competencies. We list and describe them here so you can consider to what degree you and your leaders express or lack each of […]
September 10, 2013

How to Align a Slacker

It only takes one lazy, worthless procrastinator; one slow, lethargic, sloth of a freeloading loafer; one idle, deadbeat, goof-off, skater to bring down the effectiveness of your entire team. So […]
September 9, 2013

Executive Maturity: Siri vs. Speaktoit

The great majority of CEOs (88% by one count) agree that Executive Maturity is a critical leadership skill. By maturity they mean the ability to adjust and manage change in […]
August 26, 2013

Eureka! Stop trying so hard!

The ancient Greek scientist Archimedes, directed by the king to determine if a golden crown was pure gold or an alloy, worked real hard on the solution. But he solved […]