We work with your Senior Leadership team to support development or to refresh Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Priorities. Our Human Capital and Culture consulting supports initiatives to integrate the right behaviors organization-wide. Want a keynote, instead? We help your senior teams align through thought-provoking organizational and leadership topics.
What Makes Us Different

To help you achieve High Commitment plus High Performance

Build Leadership Capabilities
When your leaders are self-aware, responsible and accountable for expressing their natural Attraction Powers, and know how to manage their innate Repellent Forces, they will only then consistently execute your organization’s leadership competencies,coaching practices, and performance management mandates.

Understand How I Naturally Lead
The Leadership Attraction Profile identifies how you underuse, overuse, or appropriately use your six innate Leadership Attraction Powers. It also spots gaps between how you and others perceive you. The results will help you compare yourself to great leaders and choose the levels of expression you need to adjust in order to improve the way you lead.

Develop Leaders-as-Coaches
If poor coaching is restricting the potential of your people and compromising performance, let us help your managers coach better. Effective coaching will sharpen a culture of High Commitment and realize results of High Performance, creating a workplace where everyone profits—leaders, employees, even customers.

Get My Team Better Aligned
By converting your teams from clunkity-clunk jalopies to well aligned, high performing, and engaged teams, you too can achieve measurable results of 300% improvement in teamwork. In any organization, productive work is accomplished by teams of people and can serve as the critical asset to business performance.