Running in the Red is poor Leadership Coaching
December 17, 2012
Coaching with Courage
January 14, 2013

Leadership Intimacy encourages extraordinary performance. And that encouragement begins at a very basic, even animal level. You learned in the previous post, that the human body interprets unfriendly human interactions such as anger and sarcasm the same way it interprets real, physical threats. Luckily the opposite is true.

When you nurture your people with the quality connections that define Leadership Intimacy, their bodies respond with positive physiological effects. They feel better, not just psychologically, but physically.

green-manWhen people feel better, they work better. By raising the quality of your human connections, intimate leadership fosters within each of your employees the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to effectively manage their careers, their health, and their financial future. When you build intimate connections, you motivate higher levels of commitment and inspire an environment of creativity and innovation in your organization.

Intimate leaders are compassionate, knowledgeable, and patient. They treat colleagues and team members as customers delivering the best service, understanding, and products possible. This intimate leadership quickly breaks through problem barriers, such as office politics, petty arguments, and the like, and generates a safer, friendlier climate for every team member to work in. Performance increases, innovation increases, overall satisfaction increases.

And, naturally, that contributes to your bottom line.

As you coach and interact with employees, ask yourself: “Have I created a green environment for people to perform at their peak?”


Helanie Scott
Helanie Scott
Helanie (pronounced yeh-LAH-nee) Scott, CEO and founder of Align4Profit in Dallas, Texas, has driven stunning leadership and cultural transformations for an impressive list of organizations. She has mastered the ability to connect with her audiences in the boardroom, classroom, on stage, or in one-on-one coaching sessions. Helanie’s Align4Profit clients rave at the way her engaging programs freshen outdated mindsets and deliver results-oriented, aligned action.