Leadership Training Programs

Questions? Call us now: 972-608-0400


Are your rookie managers ready to start strong and stay the course?

Yes! I want my leaders to grow.


The New Manager Program is a highly customized multi-day training journey to incorporate your organization’s expectations of managers.

We enable your newer managers to deliver on your performance management mandates, employee practices, and goal achievement processes, etc.

We know that when rookie managers are given the tools and support to learn critical management skills, they are able to make an effective transition into their management role quicker, easier, and with much more success. Don’t leave the development of great managers up to chance, rather set them up for fast success.

Your rookies will leave with strong commitments and an actionable plan to implement.

Your managers’ training is customized to cover topics such as:

  • Aligning behind your Vision & Mission, and Strategy
  • Cascading clear and aligned goals to their team members
  • Engaging and motivating their teams to achieve your business goals
  • Enabling effective performance management
  • Providing actionable feedback
  • Holding everyone accountable to results
  • Encouraging new ideas
  • Managing conflict
  • Leading change
  • Other topics relevant to your environment


I am excited to have almost a year-long plan for how to manage my team.

Very valuable as it gave me a very clear idea about what is expected of me as a manager and confirmed what I do well, already. This is really good content.

I like the simple tools and intend to use the visual tools with my team.

I really like how this give us an opportunity to connect with other managers across the organization. It makes me realize we all share similar challenges.


Our leadership training aligns people for performance.
Contact us to facilitate or design a program just right for you.
